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Cornfield Picks & Flicks

Broad Run HS used to be affectionately referred to as Cornfield High, as it was first located amidst a massive cornfield. To pay homage to this kernel of our history, we created a one-act play and film festival.

2023 entries:


All films must:


  • Have been written by Broad Run students.

  • Be under 30 mins.

  • Be appropriate in content to show in school. No strong language or graphic violence. Make sure you have disclaimers for any sensitive content.

  • Projects must be completed by return of winter break.

  • Completed films will be aired on our YouTube channel.  

  • You must own the rights to all material and music!

  • Winners will be selected based on watches and likes on YouTube, audience responses from the screening, and funds raised at the screenings. 



  • Write a script and turn it in to PEN (English Honor Society) for revision suggestions. 

  • Decide to either completely create yourself, or turn it over to the Thespian Society (Broad Run Theatre) to direct and create for you, giving you writing credit.

  • Submit by XXX to Mrs. Hudson (Director of Theatre Arts) or come to the Black Box with the movie on a flash drive.

  • It can be about anything you wish, just be careful not to offend or plagiarize!

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