Cornfield Picks & Flicks
Broad Run HS used to be affectionately referred to as Cornfield High, as it was first located amidst a massive cornfield. To pay homage to this kernel of our history, we created a one-act play and film festival.
2023 entries:

All films must:
Have been written by Broad Run students.
Be under 30 mins.
Be appropriate in content to show in school. No strong language or graphic violence. Make sure you have disclaimers for any sensitive content.
Projects must be completed by return of winter break.
Completed films will be aired on our YouTube channel.
You must own the rights to all material and music!
Winners will be selected based on watches and likes on YouTube, audience responses from the screening, and funds raised at the screenings.
Write a script and turn it in to PEN (English Honor Society) for revision suggestions.
Decide to either completely create yourself, or turn it over to the Thespian Society (Broad Run Theatre) to direct and create for you, giving you writing credit.
Submit by XXX to Mrs. Hudson (Director of Theatre Arts) or come to the Black Box with the movie on a flash drive.
It can be about anything you wish, just be careful not to offend or plagiarize!